Glen Berseth

Towards Computer Assisted Crowd Aware Architectural Design

    With this work we build upon prevous work in crowd optimization. Leveraging optimization methods previously used to assist users in architectural design tasks.


    We present a preliminary exploration of an architectural optimization process towards a computational tool for de- signing environments (e.g., building floor plans). Using dy- namic crowd simulators we derive the fitness of architec- tural layouts. The results of the simulation are used to pro- vide feedback to a user in terms of crowd animation, aggre- gate statistics, and heat maps. Our approach automatically optimizes the placement of environment elements to maxi- mize the flow of the crowd, while satisfying constraints that are imposed by the user (e.g., immovable walls or support bearing structures). We take steps towards user-in-the-loop optimization and design of an environment by applying an adaptive refinement approach to reduce the search space of the optimization. We perform a small scale user study to obtain early feedback on the performance and quality of our method in contrast with a manual approach.

    Bibtex (coming soon)

    You can find the paper describing the project here (coming soon)